ISO 18295-1-2017 CCC Certification SIRIM

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

On November 18, 2019, Commerce Access proudly received the ISO 18295-1:2017 certification, an esteemed recognition that propelled us into a league of only seven certified contact centres in Malaysia.

At CASB, our distinction shines as we consistently maintain certification standards, proudly boasting a flawless record without a single Non-Conformance Report (NCR) over five consecutive years. This remarkable feat is a result of a rigorous three-day surveillance audit led by SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd from October 9th to 16th in 2023.

During the audit, critical aspects were meticulously examined, encompassing our prowess in customer and client relationship management, customer-centric leadership, adept human resources management, and the resilience of our operational processes and service delivery infrastructure.

Muzafar Kamal Shahaluddin, our CDC Group Executive Officer, affirmed, ‘The certification validates our highly evolved processes in customer contact centre operations, ensuring measurable quality, productivity, and an unwavering customer focus.

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